As Conference Committee Chair, Apricum Head of Energy Storage Florian Mayr provides a preview of what is in store for the smarter E’s electrical energy storage (ees) Europe conference in Munich.
Apricum articles
Our view on the latest developments in energy storage materials.
Cobalt crunch? Dealing with the battery industry’s looming supply challenges for cobalt
The global battery market is booming. Car makers all over the world are pledging to electrify their fleets completely or to a large extent in the coming years. Battery-powered consumer electronics – laptops, tablets and smart phones – are more popular and affordable...
Energy Storage World Forum: News Blog, March 2018
Apricum Partner Florian Mayr wrote an article titled Cobalt crunch? Dealing with the battery industry’s looming supply challenges for cobalt for the Energy Storage World Forum news blog, which was published in March 2018. Read the article here.