…Partner Florian Mayr. [1] https://www.catl.com/en/news/665.html</”a> [2] https://faradion.co.uk/technology-benefits/strong-performance/ [3] https://cleantechnica.com/2021/07/30/catl-reveals-sodium-ion-battery-with-160-wh-kg-energy-density/ [4] https://www.infolink-group.com/energy-article/energy-storage-topic-lithium-spot-price-lithium-price-declines-continued-while-cell-prices-stabilize [5] https://www.energy-storage.news/californias-san-diego-county-votes-to-adopt-bess-standards-following-recent-battery-fires/ [6] https://www.energy-storage.news/natron-energy-starts-manufacturing-50000-cycle-life-sodium-ion-batteries-at-michigan-factory/ * Intercalation is the reversible insertion of a molecule or ion into the layered materials….
Your search results
How renewables will drive a power sector shakeup in Southeast Asia and why utilities should care
…substantial portion of the future deployment of energy storage systems (ESS), often in combination with decentralized renewable energy power generation. The competitiveness of solar in combination with storage is clearly…
The dawn of co-location in the UK
…years, nearly half of all permitted UK solar developments had co-located storage systems, marking a significant shift in the renewable energy landscape. In time, the co-location of storage may become…
Careers - Apricum – The Cleantech Advisory
…mainly hire from elite academic and business backgrounds. We bring the cleantech expertise, you bring the transaction execution experience. You will mainly work on solar, wind, energy storage, digital energy…
Shifting Goalposts: Seven ways for independent power producers to navigate an evolving energy landscape
…enable your organization to compete and win in the booming renewable energy space reach out to Charles Lesser. [1] https://www.iea.org/reports/renewable-energy-market-update-june-2023/are-market-forces-overtaking-policy-measures-as-the-driving-force-behind-wind-and-solar-pv [2] https://www.spglobal.com/commodityinsights/en/market-insights/latest-news/electric-power/030223-interview-european-ppa-market-could-see-record-deals-in-2023-pexapark [3] https://www.iea.org/reports/renewable-energy-market-update-june-2023/are-market-forces-overtaking-policy-measures-as-the-driving-force-behind-wind-and-solar-pv [4] https://pexapark.com/renewables-industry-survey-report-2023/ [5] https://blog.google/around-the-globe/google-europe/clean-energy-progress/ [6] https://www.icis.com/assets/getAsset.aspx?ItemID=975851…
Gearing up for power on wheels: battery buffered charging stations
…or costly charges – a common stationary energy storage use case called “demand shaping”. Here, EVs are not a competitor to stationary storage, but an enabler for additional demand. But…
Private sector opportunities in Saudi Arabia’s cleantech revolution
…National Industrial Development and Logistics Program (NIDLP), the National Renewable Energy Program (NREP), the Integrated Energy Strategy, the Saudi Energy Efficiency Program, and the overarching Saudi Green Initiative. Separately, Vision…
Apricum appoints energy banking and finance expert Charles Lesser as partner bolstering transaction advisory offering
…in the UK and elsewhere. We believe the energy storage industry already merits specialist advisory partners, not generalists,” said Apricum Partner and Head of Energy Storage Florian Mayr. Mr. Lesser…
PV Tech Power, May 2016: Navigating the maze of energy storage costs
Apricum Partner Florian Mayr and Project Manager Hannes Beushausen wrote this indepth article for PV Tech Power, volume 07, which was published at the end of May 2016. Read the…
Navigating the future of battery tech: Lithium-sulfur batteries
…support your company in entering or expanding your activities in energy storage, please contact Partner Florian Mayr. Sources [1] https://www.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/05-nasa-workshop-babuganguli.pdf [2] https://www.lis.energy/portfolio/li-s-energy-achieves-45-increase-in-volumetric-energy-density-with-new-20-layer-semi-solid-state-lithium-sulfur-battery/ [3] https://www.greencarcongress.com/2015/12/20151221-sony.html [4] https://lyten.com/2024/10/15/lyten-announces-plans-to-build-the-worlds-first-lithium-sulfur-battery-gigafactory-in-nevada/ [5] https://sionpower.com/files/IB_Li-S2Licerion.pdf [1] Intercalation…
Clouds, communities and virtual batteries: A look behind the curtain
…“behind the curtain”: Similar to Energy Cloud and Energy Consumption, excess energy is sold to the grid and “green” electricity is delivered. But furthermore, storage units are aggregated to form…
Apricum turns 15: Interview with Founder Nikolai Dobrott
…solar and wind energy. But as the market evolved over the years, we expanded our services to include energy storage, and other technologies like green hydrogen or heat pumps –…