Enabling profitable growth and investment opportunities in the wind industry

Humanity has been generating electricity from wind for over a century, by converting the kinetic energy of moving air into electrical power through wind turbines. These turbines can now be installed both onshore and offshore. Together with solar photovoltaics (PV), as an abundant and inexhaustible resource, wind energy is a cornerstone of efforts to decarbonize the global energy system.

The global wind energy market is set to experience significant growth in the coming years. Advances in technology and increased scalability have led to a substantial drop in cost. The global weighted-average levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for onshore wind fell by approximately by approximately 70% in 2010-2022 to around $0.03 per kWh. Meanwhile, the LCOE for fixed-bottom offshore wind decreased by ~60% to about $0.08 per kWh, making it more cost-effective than traditional energy sources in many regions. With ongoing improvements in policies from various countries, annual wind energy installations, which were about 120 GW in 2023, might surpass 180 GW by 2028, according to the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of roughly 10%.

This support is almost global, with the US Inflation Reduction Act, the EU’s Wind Power Package, and China’s Five-Year Plan. Major industrial economies and emerging markets, including South Korea, Japan, Australia, Vietnam, and the Philippines, have set ambitious targets, further fuelling growth in the sector. The development of new technologies and applications, like floating wind turbines for deep-water offshore sites, is expanding the use cases and enhancing the appeal of wind energy. Additionally, advancements in related clean technologies, such as energy storage, smart grids, and green hydrogen, are facilitating greater adoption of wind power. With strong market growth potential and increasing economic viability, the wind energy sector offers significant opportunities for industry players to enter and expand their businesses.

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Apricum offers a wide range of advisory services, from strategic planning to transaction support, addressing most stages of the wind energy value chain. This includes component manufacturing, integration, project development, EPC services, operations and maintenance, power generation, and repowering. Apricum helps identify promising supply chain and deployment investment opportunities, assess their technical and commercial value, and facilitate capital allocation for companies with innovative products and solutions in this expanding market.

Whether working with established industry players or emerging companies with groundbreaking technologies, Apricum provides the strategic guidance necessary to thrive in the expanding wind energy market.









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Energy Storage World Forum: News Blog, January 2018
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Transaction and strategic expertise across the wind energy value chain


Wind capacity in 2023

Wind industry is commissioning huge volumes of renewable energy. A milestone of 1 TW of installed wind capacity has been reached in 2023. Over 100 GW of onshore wind and over 11 GW of offshore wind capacity was installed in 2023.

Wind capacity by 2030

Under current policies, 2 TW of installed wind capacity is expected to be reached by 2030. Reaching the Net Zero goal by 2050 requires 2.75 – 3.5 TW of cumulative wind capacity to be installed by 2030.

2024 Investment

Investment in wind power generation is expected to reach $200 Billion in 2024.

Transaction and strategic expertise in onshore and offshore wind energy markets and technologies

Nikolai Dobrott

Nikolai Dobrott

Founder & CEO, Head oF Apricum's Wind energy practice

 Apricum’s wind practice is fully integrated, addressing both onshore and offshore utility-scale segments. Our expertise spans the entire wind value chain, offering strategic, project, and transaction advisory services. From upstream materials and component manufacturing to integration, downstream project development, EPC, O&M services, and power generation, we provide comprehensive solutions tailored to meet industry demands and maximize operational efficiency.” get in touch


wind energy

“We couldn’t have made a better choice, and the value add was tangible. Going forward we will continue recommending Apricum as our top pick for any client seeking to hire a commercial advisor for maximizing the success of its processes.”

Alessandro Frangi

Executive Director, UBS

“It’s not obvious to me if there are any areas you could have done better… we definitely picked the right advisor.”

David McCreadie

Manager of EV energy and data services, Ford Motor Company

 “Apricum has done a great job shaping our electric vehicle strategy”

Matthias Kittler

Head of Strategy and Innovation, enercity AG

 “Working together with Apricum in the field of smart charging was definitely the right decision! Alongside the great expertise, always being well-structured, finding realistic solutions and the willingness to go the extra mile, it was the relaxed mood even under pressure that made the project successful.”

Dr. Markus Seidel

Head of Mergers & Acquisitions, BMW

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